Michael Thomas Grewe blog_feedback_2011@michaelgrewe.com |
Michael T Grewe's Jorge Cruise Belly Fat Cure Blog |
After seeing Jorge on the Channel 6 Morning News show talking about his Belly Fat Cure challenge I signed up, attended the first meeting on Monday, November 10, 2008... I have been working the BFC program since Tuesday, November 11, 2008; it has become a lifestyle with regards to my way of eating and thinking about food..! |
It has been over two years since I went through the Jorge Cruise Belly Fat Cure meetings... In the intervening time I have found that went I follow Jorge’s approach to what to eat that I feel better and either lose weight or, at the very least, maintain my weight...
Anytime I have abandoned Jorge’s approach to what to eat I find that I add back weight faster than it took to lose that weight... The lesson I’ve learned is that, at least for me, I have to be ever vigilant in what I eat if I want to lose and maintain a healthy weight... Something that is easier said than done... This is not to say that Jorge’s approach to what to eat is difficult, it is not... It is that it is just as easy to get off track if you’re not diligent... I endeavor to be diligent with using Jorge’s approach to what to eat..! Feedback: MTG Jorge Cruise Blog Notes Feedback Added: January 1, 2011 Comments: 0 |
I have had numerous people at the BFC (Belly Fat Cure) meetings ask me for access to my weekly recaps and I kept promising to email them to those who gave me their emails... I am more than happy to share my results with whomever, especially if it is going to help them stay motivated to work the BFC program..! It really has become my preferred way of eating...
I found that I needed to standardize my Excel workbook/sheet format and have spent the past number of days over the past week doing exactly that; do this also meant that I had to "redo" (same info) the ones from my previous weeks... This turned out to be a bit more time consuming that I had originally anticipated because I kept refining as a went along... All that refining has paid off because I finally come up with a workbook/sheet format that I think will works for both me and others... I have created a "master" workbook that you can upload below (BFC S/C Value Week Recap Master) free for anyone to use... I have notes added to help anybody who chooses to use it but I’m happy to assist anybody via this blog or at one of the BFC meeting if they have any questions... Feedback: MTG Jorge Cruise Blog Notes Feedback Added: January 18, 2009 Comments: 0 |
Below are my daily entries of my food consumption showing each meal's S/C Values and meal preparation notes, my daily S/C Value totals, and weekly recap of each day's S/C Value totals plus my start weight and belly inches at the beginning of the BFC program and that week's ending weight and belly inches...
I will add the latest weekly recap each Tuesday after the previous week's (Tuesday - Monday) food consumption, weight and belly measurement information is completed... MTG S/C Value Recap - Week 9 [01.06.09.T - 01.12.09.M] MTG S/C Value Recap - Week 8 [12.30.08.T - 01.05.09.M] MTG S/C Value Recap - Week 7 [12.23.08.T - 12.29.08.M] MTG S/C Value Recap - Week 6 [12.16.08.T - 12.22.08.M] MTG S/C Value Recap - Week 5 [12.09.08.T - 12.15.08.M] MTG S/C Value Recap - Week 4 [12.02.08.T - 12.08.08.M] MTG S/C Value Recap - Week 3 [11.25.08.T - 12.01.08.M] MTG S/C Value Recap - Week 2 [11.18.08.T - 11.24.08.M] MTG S/C Value Recap - Week 1 [11.11.08.T - 11.17.08.M] [Recaps in PDF file format - Requires Acrobat Reader] Feedback: Jorge Cruise Blog - MTG S/C Value Recaps Added: January 12, 2009 Updated: January 18, 2009 Comments: 0 |
This is a blank Excel Workbook with worksheet for daily enteries of your food consumption that allow you to track each of your meal's S/C Values, keep track of your daily S/C Value totals, recap each day's S/C Value totals plus track progress from your start weight and belly inches verses your current week ending weight and belly inches...
BFC S/C Value Week Recap Master (BFC_SC_Value_Week_Recap_Master.zip) BFC_SC_Value_Week_Recap_Master.xls [Excel 1997-2003 file format] BFC_SC_Value_Week_Recap_Master.xlsx [Excel 2007 file format] |
Feedback: Jorge Cruise Blog - Weekly S/C Value Recap Master
Added: January 11, 2009 Updated: January 18, 2009 Comments: 0 |
These are recipes I have created with S/C Values listed and serving sized calculated; they are listed in the order I created them so these recipes are not organized by any kind of category...
MTG BFC S/C Value Recipes (MTG_BFC_SC_Value_Recipes.zip) MTG_BFC_SC_Value_Recipes.xls [Excel 1997-2003 file format] MTG_BFC_SC_Value_Recipes.xlsx [Excel 2007 file format] |
Feedback: Jorge Cruise Blog - S/C Value Recipes
Added: January 11, 2009 Updated: January 18, 2009 Comments: 0 |
This is a shopping list of food items with S/C Values listed and serving sized calculated; the food items are listed in alphabetical order within each page but are not organized by any kind of category...
S/C Value Shopping List (MTG_BFC_SC_Value_Shopping_List.zip) MTG_BFC_SC_Value_Shopping_List.xls [Excel 1997-2003 file format] MTG_BFC_SC_Value_Shopping_List.xlsx [Excel 2007 file format] |
Feedback: Jorge Cruise Blog - S/C Value Shopping List
Added: January 11, 2009 Updated: January 18, 2009 Comments: 0 |
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